Fly Cellars
The Fly cellars were built on the rock platform under The Beacon in 1800. When pilchard catches declined, the cellars were converted into a herring curing factory. The cellars were also used to store the town's four ancient gigs. Two were sold off and one of these was removed from the cellars and was later found in use at a local farm where it had been cut in two - the majority was holding up a hedge and the stern section was used as a chicken coop. The remaining three gigs were moved after the cellars were sold. The night after they were moved, the cellars burned down!
Today, all that remains is a platform on the rocks which has become a popular fishing spot as the water is relatively deep at high tide and the seabed out from the rocks is sandy and snag-free.
On walks
- Newquay (5.8 mile walk)