App-guided walk: Luxulyan Valley circular

Luxulyan Valley circular

A circular walk following the leats and horse-drawn tramways through the World Heritage site of the Luxulyan Valley to the massive viaduct which carried the tramways towards Newquay and water to winch the trams up the valley with a huge waterwheel, recommended in guidebooks as early as the 1920s "as one of the most glorious walks in all Cornwall". 3.4 miles - Easy-moderate.

Luxulyan Valley

If you ended up here, it's likely that your web browser doesn't support app links but that's not a problem. Instead you can just do the following to locate this walk:

  • Once you've installed the iWalk Cornwall app on your phone, open it and go to "Walks Shop".
  • Select "Search all walks".
  • Start typing the first few letters of "Luxulyan Valley circular" until you can see this walk in the list.
  • Tap on the name of the walk to get the info about it and the option to buy it.

We hope you have a lovely walk.